Ivan Buchvarov - selected publications

A.    Nonlinear optics.

1. V. Petrov, M. Ghotbi, A. Esteban-Martin, O. Kokabee, F. Noack, A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Nikolov, P. Tzankov, I. Buchvarov, K. Miyata, A. Majchrowski, I. V. Kityk, F. Rotermund, E. Michalski, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, Femtosecond nonlinear frequency conversion based on BiB3O6, Laser and Photonics Reviews, 4(1), 53-98, (2010)

2. I. Buchvarov, A. Trifonov, T. Fiebig, "Toward an understanding of white-light generation in cubic media-polarization properties across the entire spectral range," Opt. Lett. 32, 1539-1541 (2007)

3. I. Nikolov, A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Buchvarov, P. Tzankov, F. Noack, and V. Petrov, Ultrabroadband continuum amplification in the near infrared using BiB3O6 nonlinear crystals pumped at 800 nm, Opt. Lett. 32 (22), 3342-3344 (2007)

4. A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, V. Petrov, and F. Noack, Ultrabroadband operation of a femtosecond optical parametric generator based on BiB3O6 in the near-IR, Opt. Express 16 (4), 2363-2373 (2008)

5. V. Petrov, F. Noack, P. Tzankov, M. Ghotbi, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, High-power Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplification at 1 kHz in BiB3O6 pumped at 800 nm, Optics Express 15(2), 556-563 (2007);

6. P. Tzankov, I. Buchvarov, T. Fiebig, Broadband Optical Parametric Amplification in the near UV-VIS, Opt. Commun. 203, 107-113 (2002);

7. P. Tzankov, T. Fiebig, I. Buchvarov, Tunable femtosecond pulses in the near-ultraviolet from ultrabroadband parametric amplification, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 517-519 (2003);

8. I. Buchvarov, et al., "Intensity dependent change of the polarization state as a result of non-linear phase shift in type II frequency doubling crystals," Optics Communications, vol. 141, pp. 173-179, Sep 1 1997.

B.      Ultrafast phenomena in molecular systems.

1. I. Buchvarov, Q. Wang, M. Raytchev, A. Trifonov, T. Fiebig, “Electronic energy delocalization and dissipation in single- and double-stranded DNA”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104, no. 12, 4794-4797 (2007);

2. A. Trifonov, I. Buchvarov, A. Lohr, F. Wurthner, T. Fiebig, Broadband femtosecond circular dichroism spectrometer with white-light polarization control, Review of Scientific Instruments 81(4) (2010)

2. I. Buchvarov, Q. Wang, M. Raytchev, A. Trifonov, T. Fiebig, “Electronic energy delocalization and dissipation in single- and double-stranded DNA”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104, no. 12, 4794-4797 (2007);

3. L. Valis, Q. Wang, M. Raytchev, I. Buchvarov , H. A. Wagenknecht, T. Fiebig,, “Base pair motions control the rates and distance dependencies of reductive and oxidative DNA charge transfer”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 10192-10195  (2006);

4. A. Trifonov, M. Raytchev, I. Buchvarov, M. Rist,  J. Barbaric, H. A. Wagenknecht, T. Fiebig  “Ultrafast energy transfer and structural dynamics in DNA”, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, no. 41, 19490-19495  (2005);

5. A. Trifonov, I. Buchvarov, H. Wagenknecht, T. Fiebig, "Real-Time Observation of Hydrogen Bond-Assisted Electron Transfer to a DNA Base" T. Chem. Phys. Lett.  409, 277-280 (2005);

6. H. Iglev, A. Trifonov, A. Thaller, I. Buchvarov, T. Fiebig, A. Laubereau, "Photoionization dynamics of an aqueous iodide solution: the temperature dependence" Chem. Phys. Lett. 403, 198-204 (2005);

7. M. Raytchev, E. Pandurski, I. Buchvarov, C. Modrakowski, T. Fiebig  "Bichromophoric Interactions and Time-dependent Excited State Mixing in Pyrene Derivatives. A Femtosecond Broadband Pump-Probe Study", J. Phys. Chem. A 107, 4592-4600  (2003);

C.andD.     Ultrashort Laser Pulse Generation and Characterization, Solid State Laser Engeneering.

1. H. Iliev, I. Buchvarov, S. Kurimura, and V. Petrov, "1.34 µm Nd:YVO4 laser mode-locked by intracavity SHG in periodically-poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate," Optics Express, 6 (2011).

2. H. Iliev, D. Chuchumishev, I. Buchvarov, V. Petrov, Passive mode-locking of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser by intracavity SHG in PPKTP, Optics Express 18, 5754-5762 (2010)

3. H. Iliev, I. Buchvarov, S. Kurimura, V. Petrov, High-power picosecond Nd:GdVO4 laser mode locked by SHG in periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate, Optics Letters 35, 1016-1018 (2010)

4. I. Buchvarov, A. Trifonov and T. Fiebig., "Towards an understanding of white-light generation in cubic media - Polarization properties across the entire spectral range,” Optics Letters > no. 11, pp. 1539-1541 (2007)

5. V. Petrov, M. Ghotbi, P. Tzankov, F. Noack, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, “Optical parametric generation of high-energy femtosecond pulses in the 1-3 µm spectral range using BiB3O6”, Proc. SPIE > 64550C-1-12 (2007)

6. V. Petrov, F. Noack, P. Tzankov, M. Ghotbi, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, “High-power Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplification at 1 kHz in BiB3O6 pumped at 800 nm”, Optics Express 15, no.2, 556-563  (2007)

7. P. Tzankov, T. Fiebig, I. Buchvarov, "Tunable femtosecond pulses in the near-ultraviolet from ultrabroadband parametric amplification", Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 517-519  (2003)

8. I. Nikolov, T. Popmintchev, I. Buchvarov, A. Trifonov, "Cavity Design For Diode-Pumped Passively Mode-Locked Lasers", Proc. of SPlE  5226, pp. 64-68 (2003)

9. N. Tankovsky, I. Nikolov, K. Baerner and I. Buchvarov, “Monomode optical fiber as a displacement sensor”. J. of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5, 1-5 (2003)

10. N. Tankovsky, I. Nikolov, K. Baerner, I. Buchvarov, "Optical detection of electroacoustic signals in electrolytes in the low frequency range" J. of Appl. Phys. < href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1523140"> 92, 7180 – 7182  (2002)

11. I. Ch. Buchvarov, N. I. Nikolov, ”New method for laser giant pulsing by type II intracavity frequency doubling”, Proc. SPIE 4397, pp. 54-58 (2000)

12. N. Nikolov, T. Popmintchev, I. Buchvarov, S. Saltiel, "Passive Mode Locking and Pulse Shortening Capabilities of Frequency Doubling Polarization Mirror”, Proc. SPIE 4397, pp. 59-63 (2000)

13. I. P. Nikolov , I. Buchvarov , L.A. Gubanova, E.N. Putilin, ”High Power Nd:YAG Laser With Variable Reflectivity Mirrors” , Proc. SPIE 4397, pp. 49-53 (2000)

14. I. Nikolov , T. Popmintchev , T. Todorova , I. Buchvarov , M. Surtchev , S. Tzaneva, “Laser Restoration of Ceramic Artifacts with Archeological Value”, Proc. SPIE 4397, pp. 343-347 (2000)

15. V. A Spasov, I. Buchvarov, S.Saltiel, “Hysteresis Behavior of Fabry-Perot Resonator with Nonlinear Optical Mirror”, Nonlinear Optics 23, pp. 125-132 (2000);

16. S. Saltiel, I. Buchvarov , K. Koynov, "Control of laser light parameters by Chi(2):Chi(2) nonlinear optical devices", In "Advanced photonics with second-order nonlinear processes", ed. A. Boardman et al., pp 89-112 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999);

17. I. Buchvarov, P.Tzankov,V. Stoev, K Demerdjiev ,”Generation of high power picosecond pulses by passively mode-locked Nd:YAG laser using frequency doubling mirror “, In "Advanced photonics with second-order nonlinear processes", ed. A. Boardman, pp 197-200 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999);

18. A. Dreishuh, I.Buchvarov, E.Eugenieva, A.Iliev and S. Dinev, "Experimental Demonstration of Pulse Shaping and Shortening by Spatial Filtering of an Induced Phase Modulated Probe Wave", IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 33, 329-335 (1997)

19. A.Dreishuh, I.Buchvarov, E.Eugenieva, A.Iliev and S. Dinev, "T-scanner for Measuring Pulse Duration", Opt. Quant. Electron. 28, no. 9, pp. 1187-1197

20. S.Saltiel, K. Kojnov and I.Buchvarov, "Analytical formulae for optimization of the process of low power phase modulation in a quadratic nonlinear medium", Appl. Phys. B 63, pp 39-42 (1996)

21. I.Buchvarov, S.Saltiel and S.Gagarskii, "Nonlinear Doubling Mode-Locking of Feedback Controlled Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser", Opt.Commun. 118, 51-54 (1995)

22. I.Buchvarov, G.Christov, S.M.Saltiel, "Transient Behaviour of Frequency doubling Mode-Locker. Numerical analysis", Opt.Commun. 107, 281-286 (1994)

23. I. Buchvarov, K. Stankov, S. Saltiel, "Pulse shortening in an actively mode-locked laser with a frequency-doubling nonlinear mirror" Opt. Commun. 83, no. 3-4, pp. 241-245 (1991);

24. I.Buchvarov, S.M.Saltiel, "Passive feedback control of actively mode-locked pulsed Nd:YAG laser", in Mode Locked Lasers and Ultrashort Phenomena, Georgi B.Altshuler, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1842, 124-129 (1991)

25. I.Buchvarov, S.M.Saltiel, K.Stankov, D.Georgiev, "Extremly Long Train of Ultra Short Pulses from Actively Mode-Locked Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser", Opt. Commun. 83, 65-70 (1991)

26. I.Buchvarov, S.M.Saltiel, V.E.Gusev and V.T.Platonenko, "Single shot measurement of light pulse duration by detection of excited acoustic wave", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 22 1423-1428 (1989).