Публикации 2008
Публикации в пълен текст:
1. A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, V. Petrov, and F. Noack, Ultrabroadband operation of a femtosecond optical parametric generator based on BiB3O6 in the near-IR, Opt. Express 16 (4), 2363-2373 (2008)
2. V. Petrov, A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, P. Tzankov and F. Noack; The application of the monoclinic BiB3O6 nonlinear crystal in ultrafast laser technology; Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6875, 68750X-15 (2008);
Доклади на конференции:
1. A. Gaydardzhiev, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov, F. Noack, and V. Petrov, Ultrabroadband Femtosecond Continuum Generation in Crystals of Bismuth Triborate, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2008)